• Fitness for Life

    Your center for optimizing health through movement.

We are dedicated to bringing
Functional Movement back into your life

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DNS Exercise
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Alignment Lab Articles

A Case for Yoga: Improving Strength, Mobility and Overall Health

As a yoga teacher I've been advocating for a proactive effort…

Strength Training: Open vs. Closed Kinetic Chain Movement

At Alignment Lab we always encourage our clients to move more…

Ojas and Agni: Essentials For Lasting Health

Ojas is a concept in Ayurveda that refers to the purest essence…

Building Resilience and What I Did on My Christmas Vacation

This past Christmas / New Years Tiffany and I traveled to New…

Warrior 1 (virabhadrasana 1) – Set Up and Cues

Arguably the most challenging of the classical standing postures,…
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